Single word for "led my team to victory"

I need to submit my achievements for purpose of an interview. But the questionnaire format is such that I need to use as few words as possible.

I want to convey "led my team to victory in ABC XYZ competition".

Is there a way to write this as "<word> in ABC XYZ competition"?


  1. yes, a shorter punchier phrase would work
  2. ABC XYZ is a fitness competition within the company i was working, where we had to log our daily activities, worth double when we did in group. We were organised into teams of 8 each. My role was to nudge people into doing more, and encouraging them to work out in groups.

Solution 1:

I am not sure whether you want to minimize WORD count - or CHARACTER count. You state WORD count - but that is unusual - so I'm thinking CHARACTER count is more likely. Regardless, precise English is not, in my experience, required on such forms. Rather, colloquial - expressional English is preferred.

So, "led my team to victory in ABC XYZ competition", could be expressed as "Led team to win ABC XYZ competition"; which shortens both WORD and CHARACTER count.

Solution 2:

I don't think there is a single word for your example. It's also pretty hard to get a phrase around five words, but I'll try:

... inspired my team's win in ABC XYZ competition...

Inspired is defined like this by

  1. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.
  2. to influence or impel: Competition inspired her to greater efforts.

"I led my team to victory" also works perfectly fine.

Solution 3:

I can't manage a single word, but I feel like you could encompass much of the same idea in 'spearheaded a victory in ABC XYZ competition'.

In particular, being the person leading a charge seems like too important a historical and modern concept to not have a single word covering it. A similar by more modern notion might be to 'be on point', although this is obvious far less succinct. The central idea I'm aiming for is to encompass the notion of 'my team' implicitly within the verb chosen, if anyone has any ideas based on this.

It does somewhat diminish clarity slightly, forcing an interviewer to process this a little more than perhaps they'd like, as the phrasing has been made clunkier for the sake of brevity, but I think making progress on cutting this down further will probably need to go along some such lines.

Edit: Perhaps 'captained a victory' might make this even clearer, but it still isn't shorter in terms of word count.