On iTunes for Mac, download all music from iTunes Match

Is there any way to download all of my iTunes Match music in one go on iTunes OS X?

I've tried selecting all then clicking the little iCloud Button.

I've also tried generating an Automator 'Watch me do' script, but that fails because the iCloud buttons have not been given a namespace selector, meaning the script errors out.

Does anyone know how this could be achieved? I have over 2,000 songs and don't want to click the button individually for each one.

To download all your music from iCloud:

  • Select all or select the tracks you want to download
  • Right click on the selected items
  • Click Download

NOTE: iTunes 12.2 does not have a "Download" option. When you right-click on the selected items you will need to select "Make Available Offline" to download the items from iCloud

Most of the answers talk about selecting music in iTunes and then clicking "Download" on the menu. It appears that, in the newest version of iTunes (Aug. 2015), this action has been renamed "Make Available Offline".