Title 1, Title 2 number with sub-numbers in pages

I'm using Pages to write a document.

I would like titles like :

1 Summary
1.1 Start
1.2 End

But I only get

1 Summary
2 Start
3 End

How can I number my titles with 1.1 and so on?

On Pages 13, under Bullet & Lists, just tick Tiered Numbers

enter image description here

on Pages 09 it's in the inspector. Select also Tiered Numbers

enter image description here

The important piece is to set the style of the subheadings to be Heading 2 when the main header is Heading 1

The number of numbers in the title will then be the heading number

For the set of styles see Matthieu Riegler's answer

From my testing, the following applies:

  1. Naturally numbering only works when you select Numbered or Harvard from [Bullets and Lists]
  2. Not so intuitively, if you want the the tiered number 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc. to work, you need to do two things: check the checkbox [Tiered numbers], and use one or more indents to change from 1. to 1.1 or 1.1.1 etc.
  3. Styles have nothing to do with this. I have experimented with using and not using styles. It makes no difference. In fact, if you apply tiered numbers to the style [Body] you can number your paragraphs rather neatly.
  4. However, I don't seem to be able to include this numbering within a style definition.

BTW, wouldn't it be great if, in the next version of pages, you could see the structure of your document using hierarchical styles ?