How to get started with Mono in Linux for a beginner?

Solution 1:

I recently started to dabble in Mono myself and have so far realized that the MonoProject has made huge advancements in this area. It's well worth it to investigate.

With that said, the easiest method is to get setup with a Linux distro that is Mono friendly such as Suse, or Ubuntu. Personally, I tried it using Ubuntu 8.10.

Once you've got your Linux distro setup properly download and install MonoDevelop. This is an open source IDE that's tightly integrated to work with the Mono platform. MonoDevelop was taken as a branch of SharpDevelop and designed to work with the Mono compiler from the ground up.

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to get setup with Mono. The MonoDevelop IDE is very similar to that of Visual C# Express even. It comes complete with Project/Solution management, GUI development using the GTK# framework, an integrated debugger and a host of other features you would expect in an IDE such as code-completion, line numbers, code-folding etc.

The folks at the MonoProject are on to something with this suite of tools.

Hope this helps you get started.

Mono Project Homepage

Mono Develop Homepage

Solution 2:

There are a few interesting books on Mono, although they're probably a little bit old. Still, probably it's worth to grab one and take a look in order to start up.

  1. Practical Mono
  2. Mono: A developer's notebook
  3. Cross-Platform .NET development
  4. Mono Kick-start

Then, I'd install latest Mono (2.4) on a Linux box (OpenSuse is the one they use, so it will always go smoothly for development, but we also use Ubuntu internally) and start playing around with the compiler, MonoDevelop (which is quite good since 2.0) and so on.

The only tough point will be writing GUI applications, although my team make extensively use of MWF on different Unix flavors. But everything else will go as you'd expect. I'm specially happy with how great remoting works, for instance.

If you're used to Linux then it will be much easier, otherwise I'd also recommend you getting used to it following some tutorial.

Remember tools such us NUnit and NAnt will be also available, so you can start writing your code on both Windows and Linux and testing and compiling on both platforms.

Solution 3:

With the just released Ubuntu 9.04 a very current Mono development environment is as close as:

apt-get install monodevelop

I used to agree with you that it was somewhat difficult to get going with Mono, but the latest version of Ubuntu has melted that barrier away. And the latest version of Monodevelop is an absolute joy to use.

Don't use Ubuntu? Then I would go with Peter's advice of using a VMWare image.