How do I check if a given value is a generic list?

Solution 1:

For you guys that enjoy the use of extension methods:

public static bool IsGenericList(this object o)
    var oType = o.GetType();
    return (oType.IsGenericType && (oType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>)));

So, we could do:


Solution 2:

using System.Collections;

if(value is IList && value.GetType().IsGenericType) {


Solution 3:

 bool isList = o.GetType().IsGenericType 
                && o.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>));

Solution 4:

public bool IsList(object value) {
    return value is IList 
        || IsGenericList(value);

public bool IsGenericList(object value) {
    var type = value.GetType();
    return type.IsGenericType
        && typeof(List<>) == type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();