windows keyboard shortcut to move mouse cursor between two screens

I have a laptop with its main screen(A) and a connected one(B).

Sometimes the mouse is on one screen(B) and I want it on another screen(A), but i'm just looking at the one screen(A) where the mouse isn't. I could drag a lot and look for it seeing for it to appear on A, or if B is on I can turn my head to B to see the cursor location on it(B) I can see when it'll get to A as I move it, But it'd be easier if I could just with a keyboard shortcut, get the mouse cursor in the middle of my laptop screen(A).

So a key to move the cursor from one screen to the other screen to a place i'd know where it is like the center. Even a mouse movement that does it, so long as whatever the move or key is works wherever the mouse is, would be ok. Is there a way?

Use AutoHotKey, with the "CoordMode" and the "MouseMove" commands.


Sets coordinate mode for various commands to be relative to either the active window or the screen.


Moves the mouse cursor.

Here's an example to move it to the center of the current screen:

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, (A_ScreenWidth // 2), (A_ScreenHeight // 2)

This script works for me:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance Force ; if the script is updated, replace the one and only instance


; 80 = CM_MONITORS - which basically means - monitor count
SysGet, count, 80
if count !=2 return ; only handle duo, uno - nothing to do

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen    ; this is a must as the mouse coordinate are now relative to the whole screen (both monitors)

SysGet, mon_1, Monitor, 1
SysGet, mon_2, Monitor, 2
MouseGetPos mouse_x,mouse_y

; toggle the mouse to the middle of the other screen

if (mouse_x <= mon_1Right)
  new_x := mon_2Left + (mon_2Right - mon_2Left) // 2
  new_y := mon_2Top + (mon_2Bottom - mon_2Top) // 2
  new_x := mon_1Left + (mon_1Right - mon_1Left) // 2
  new_y := mon_1Top + (mon_1Bottom - mon_1Top) // 2

MouseMove, %new_x%, %new_y%

Esc::ExitApp  ; Exit script with Escape key