Solution 1:

The Gadmin Tools are a useful collection of GUI utilities for the "point and click" andministrator.

From their homepage:

GADMINTOOLS consists of several easy to use C / GTK+ server administration tools for the following list of servers:

ISC BIND DNS server                          ISC DHCPD server

Proftpd standalone server                    Samba filesharing

Apache webserver                             Squid proxy server

RSYNC backup server and client               OpenVPN Server / Client

Solution 2:

Short term, you've got some good answers here, especially the recommendation for Webmin. But, I feel compelled to suggest that over the long term, if you're serious about your Linux boxes, learn the command line. That's the way most *nix tools are designed. If you don't take advantage of that, you'll be doing things the hard way, forever.

The easy way isn't the easy way.

Solution 3:

You do know about Webmin, right?

Solution 4:

Most of Redhat's system-config-* tools have a gui front-end. For example, here's system-config-lvm and system-config-users. I don't know all of them as I'm not a big Redhat fan, but I know there are quite a few.

Solution 5:

If you need a very easy firewall with an easy frontend, check out ufw and the frontend gufw. Both are available in the Ubuntu repositories.

Here are some screenshots: