How can I have a Linux machine join a Windows Domain?

Sorry if I am misusing terms here; I actually don't know much about Active Directory and the related technologies. Basically I have a Linux computer and I'd like it (or my user on that computer) to be associated with my user on the Domain, so that I can browse the network and all that stuff windows has.

Is this feasible? What do I need to look into to do something like this?

Solution 1:

There are three main options:

  • Kerberos plus LDAP - This is a lower-level option where you set up Linux to use Active Directory's underlying protocols yourself. Described in this answer.
  • Samba - Samba is the de facto standard for joining a Linux machine to a Windows domain.
  • Microsoft Windows Services for Unix includes options for serving usernames to Linux / UNIX via NIS and for synchronizing passwords to Linux / UNIX machines. You'd use this if you wanted to do everything possible from Windows or if you had an existing Linux / UNIX infrastructure you wanted to tie to Windows; for most environments, though, one of the other solutions would be better.

There are a few other options available too: Likewise (apparently no longer available), Centrify, SSSD... There's further discussion in this question.

Solution 2:

Two ways that I know of. From the linux host you can try this:

root# net ads join -UAdministrator%password

Or you can just create the computer object in active directory.

Like everyone else said, you'll need to add the samba packages to get that to happen.