Are there any good and lightweight LDAP querying tools? [closed]

As developers we sometimes need querying LDAP. Do you know useful tools for this task?

edit: I don't mean in code, I mean utility/tool (command-line or gui, mostly gui) for just to look/confirm data, or if possible to alter...

Apache Directory Studio

alt text

It's not exactly lightweight, but it is an excellent tool for doing ad hoc inspection and modifications to an LDAP database

ldapsearch is pretty lightweight... Part of the standard bits that come with openLDAP. What platform, etc?

ldapsearch -h ldapserver -b ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -D uid=root,dc=example,dc=com -x -W "(|(uid=foo)(cn=*bar*))"

I'd suggest setting up an alias or script that prefills in the boring bits that are always the same. My example assumes authentication. read the manpage.

For Windows there's LDP. I use it all the time. It's part of the Windows Support Tools.