Can't Create a New Folder in Home [duplicate]

I'm trying to install a theme and another forum said to create a folder in my home directory and put the theme in there, then use Unity Tweak Tool to activate it. So, I created a folder in my home directory, called it .theme. However, when I returned to my home directory, my .theme directory was gone. So I thought: I'll just make a new folder. But when I tried to create a new folder called .theme, I get an error saying that the name is already in use and I cannot use .theme. But there is no folder in my home directory titled .theme.

I'm using Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.

Solution 1:

The .theme directory is hidden by default because of the . at the front of its name. Press Ctrl+H to see all hidden directories (and files).

If you want to permanently see all hidden directories and files, open a Nautilus window and go to "Edit" -> "Preferences" and check the "Show hidden and backup files" box. Note that backup files are files that end with ~.

Solution 2:

Folders that start with a dot are hidden by default. You'll need to enable "Show Hidden Files and Folders" in the view options menu of your file manager, or by pressing CTRL-H.