Monospaced bitmap programmer’s font at big sizes (14pt+) [closed]

Solution 1:

See the following bitmapped fonts:

Proggy Fonts
Dina Programming Font
Terminus font

Keep in mind that bitmap fonts are very precise but don't scale.

Solution 2:

IBM3270 font is monospaced bitmap. Looks great at 14.

Solution 3:

I'm with @amrox, do you actually need a bitmap font, or just a fixed width font? some of the complete typefaces are nice just for their italics (because faux-italics suck). Many of the fonts below look best with sub-pixel rendering enabled.

  • Anonymous - TT version of a bitmap font
  • Inconsolata - knockoff of MS Consolas, Inconsolata doesn't have great italics
  • Consolas - also nice, complete typeface with bolds and italics
  • Droid Sans Mono - Very nice, lacks a slashed 0 and you have to get it sneakily
  • Deja Vu Sans Mono - Open-sauce reasonable, default GNOME fixed width, I think.
  • Liberation Sans - Nice, also open-sauce, made by the same font designer as Droid font
  • BP Mono - Free, missing many glyphs
  • Monaco - Available in OSX
  • Andale Mono - was part of IE 5, also in OS X, part of Core Font pack