Is there a way to embed a command prompt into the Visual Studio IDE?

Basically I'm looking for something like the "Visual Studio Command Prompt", but which can be docked as a tab or otherwise moved about like any other Visual Studio panel.

Does such a thing exist?

I'm looking for something like PowerConsole but which would let me run msbuild from whithin the IDE.

Solution 1:

If using NuGet, in Visual Studio click Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console

Solution 2:

instead of searching any further: just use the powerconsole and incorporate the settings of the "visual studio command prompt".

the visual studio command prompt is nothing more but:

  1. cmd.exe
  2. feed with vcvarsall.bat

so, all you have to do is execute vcvarsall.bat and interprete the result of that into your powershell. luckily this can be achieved very easily:

  • Scott Hanselmann has setup his powershell prompt escpecially for VC, search the post for "get-batchfile" to get an idea of how to use vcvarsall.bat:

  • Get-Batchfile originates somewhat from here:

  • And SO has something on the same topic:

this should you get going, no need for cmd.exe, really.