Google chrome is always searching in local google domain instead of

The answer is actually very simple.

When doing an omnibox search my desktop was returning, my laptop so I knew something was up - and I really wanted the knowledge graph results from .com.

Follow all these steps in order.

  1. Go to If you're redirected to a country-specific site, click the "Go to" link in the bottom right of the Google home page.
  2. Do any search. This sets as your {google:baseURL} in a cookie.
  3. Click the wrench icon and select "Exit" to fully exit Chrome.
  4. Relaunch Chrome and try an Ombnibox search now.

This method will ensure that omnibox now returns results from at and still searches instantly (if you have that option selected in your Chrome settings).

I created a new standard Search with the following settings:

Name: Shortcut: and URL:{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}

and it works fine.

Going to disables the "country redirect" for me.

I encountered the same problem and found this solution. Note that I didn't use the "better trick" that was posted in July 2013 (it didn't work for me with OS X and Chrome 29.0.1547.65); I'm using the older method, to wit:

  1. Close all Chrome windows.

  2. Go to Chrome's user profile directory (for example, in Windows Vista and Windows 7 the path is: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\. Under OS X, it's $USERHOME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/.

  3. In the Default directory, open the file Preferences in a text editor like vim or Notepad.

  4. Find the two lines that include last_known_google_url and last_prompted_google_url and change the Google URL from (where .tld is, .fr, etc.) to or any other Google domain.

  5. Save the file and restart Chrome.

  6. If you see an infobar that asks if you want to switch to your local domain or keep, choose the second option.