Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

Solution 1:

There is a project from a guy called 'tarlog' that made a plugin for eclipse at this google code site:

It has some other features for eclipse, amongst which is Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to change the font size, it's frickin' awesome.

Solution 2:

Too late but it could be helpful :

Go to Window Menu > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts

then go to Java > Java Editor Text Font > Edit

Solution 3:

The Eclipse-Fonts extension will add toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for changing font size. You can then use AutoHotkey to make Ctrl+Mousewheel zoom.

Under Help | Install New Software... in the menu, paste the update URL ( into the Works with: text box and press Enter. Expand the tree and select FontsFeature as in the following image:

Eclipse extension installation screen capture

Complete the installation and restart Eclipse, then you should see the A toolbar buttons (circled in red in the following image) and be able to use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= to zoom (although you may have to unbind those keys from Eclipse first).

Eclipse screen capture with the font size toolbar buttons circled

To get Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming, you can use AutoHotkey with the following script:

; Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming in Eclipse.
; Requires Eclipse-Fonts (
; Thank you for the unique window class, SWT/Eclipse.
#IfWinActive ahk_class SWT_Window0
    ^WheelUp:: Send ^{=}
    ^WheelDown:: Send ^-

Solution 4:

Starting from tonight nightly build of 4.6/Neon, the Eclipse Platform includes a way to increase/decrease font size on text editors using Ctrl+ and Ctrl- (on Windows or Linux, Cmd= and Cmd- on Mac OS X) : . The implementation is shipped with any product using a recent build of the platform, and is more reliable that the one in the alternative plugins mentioned above. It will be more widely available within weeks, when the IDE packages for Neon M4 will be available, and it will be part of the public Neon release in June 2016.