How to change from the default shell authenticating using SSSD/AD

Within in the sssd.conf file, does anyone know what the syntax should be to allow me to switch between different login shells?


[email protected]:~$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
chsh: user 'example' does not exist in /etc/passw

You have to edit the file /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and override the default shell in the domain section of the file :

override_shell = /bin/zsh

using override_shell changed shell for everyone.

In AD you can add the unix shell it uses the attribute loginShell Open the user in AD Users and Computers click on the attribute tab and look for loginShell and edit that to the desired shell for the user

then in sssd.conf I add the line shell_fallback = /bin/zsh that way if your user doesn't have a shell in AD they still get a shell.
I also did add ldap_schema = ad to sssd.conf to force Active Directory schema.

If this is FreeIPA, use the IPA command:

ipa user-mod  username --shell=/bin/bash

By default users can modify themselves.