What is the path for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM registry hive?

If I open the registry with the SYSTEM account in Windows by using the PSExec tool from SysInternals:

psexec -i -s regedit

and I change an entry, for example, here:


... I presume that a corresponding NTUSER.DAT file will be modified.

What is the path to this NTUSER.DAT file?

Solution 1:

Contrary to common intuition, the ntuser.dat file in LocalSystem's user profile folder (\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile) is not the source of HKEY_CURRENT_USER for applications running as SYSTEM. As far as I can tell, it's not actually used for anything, and it contains very little information.

In reality, the HKCU for applications running as SYSTEM is .DEFAULT under HKEY_USERS. (I'll address another common misconception: .DEFAULT isn't the template for new user profiles, ntuser.dat in \Users\Default is.) .DEFAULT is stored on disk in a file called \Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT. See the MSDN article on Registry-backing files.

Also interesting: the list of the backing files for the various Registry hierarchies, including .DEFAULT, can be found in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\hivelist.