Is there a high-level roadmap for Chrome development? [closed]

Is there anywhere that I can find a high level feature roadmap for the Chrome browser?

I’m aware of this site, which documents the major changes of each release. (But this only is for the current release, not upcoming). Example of the type of information I’m looking for:

Some highlights of these changes are:

  • Improved Wi-Fi stability on some Chromebooks
  • Guest mode wallpaper has been updated to Material Design
  • Remote Assistance to Chrome OS devices available via Chrome Remote Desktop
  • Some devices have been updated to the new freon graphics stack, which will provide performance improvements down the line

I’m also aware of the “Chromium Development Calendar and Release Info” which lists versions and release dates, but does not describe what’s in each upcoming release.

However, what I can’t seem to find is a place combining the two, where I can see a list of upcoming releases and the major features for each.

Example: Google has announced a plan to gradually deprecate support of SHA1, and this blog post lists the implementation plan for the deprecation. This is just one change; where is the overall calendar kept? Where can I see the calendar or roadmap of what other changes will be coming?

You can find it at the following link: