Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS dual boot problem

Some time ago I upgraded to Windows 10 and wanted to give Ubuntu a try as well.

After the installation when I restarted my computer I have the options to choose from. When I choose Ubuntu everything is fine and after switching my computer off and on again I have this options again.

The problem occurs when I choose Windows boot manager. My windows 10 loads up I do my stuff etc.. When I switch it off and on again I do not have the options available to me and Windows 10 loads up automatically.

Also when I go to advanced system settings to set the default operating system to Ubuntu it is not on the drop down list, only Windows appears.

You can try to get your GRUB back instead of going with third party tools like EasyBCD.

First Disable Fast startup on your windows. To do so :

On your windows 10,

open command prompt as administrator and execute powercfg /h off

Now, Go to Control panel --> Power Options --> Choose what power buttons do (its on Left side) --> "Change Settings that are currently unavailable"

and remove the tick mark on "Fast startup"

enter image description here

This disables fast start up on windows (Which is mandatory on dualboot).

Now reboot.

you should see your Grub. nice and clean.


If you have already tried EasyBCD you may have messed up your boot loaders. If so do this:

Go to your Multi-boot manager during startup ( On HP notebooks Keep pressing f9 as soon as you power on your machine, f12 on Dell notebooks ) and manually boot to Ubuntu.


Restart after doing the above steps. Go to your BIOS.

Go to boot section and Under Boot loaders (Or similar) and bring the "Ubuntu on HDxxxx" option above Windows boot manager.


Now reinstall grub by running the following commands :

sudo update-grub
sudo grub-install /dev/sda
sudo update-grub

Thats it.