Is there any graphical Binary Diff tool for Mac OS X? [closed]
Are there any Binary Diff tools for Mac OS X with a GUI? There are a gazillion text-based diff tools, but I need to compare two binary files. Essentially two Hex Editors with Dec/Hex View next to each other (the binary files are a custom file format, so not images or anything that has a more specialized diff tool)
I just discoverd Hex Fiend – love at first sight! Open both binary files then do File > Compare x and y
or Shift+cmd+D
You could store the hex of each binary in temp files, then compare them with diff
. This would give you the visual hex difference.
xxd -c 1 file1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 > file1.hex
xxd -c 1 file2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 > file2.hex
diff file1.hex file2.hex
creates a hex dump, and we're telling it to print one byte per line, then cut
splits on space and compares the correct column
you could also use od
instead of xxd
there is Ellié Computing Merge ( (NB: I work for ECMerge). it can compare arbitrarily large files with usual Hex+ASCII views and side by side visual diff. it works on mac and linux/windows as well
You can use
it's a simple perl script that does exactly what you want, a side-by-side (and colored) binary diff. It shows byte changes and byte additions/deletions.
You can find it on GitHub.
Maybe "HexEdit by Lane Roathe", wxHexEditor or UltraEdit