Converting integers to roman numerals

Solution 1:

Try this, simple and compact:

public static string ToRoman(int number)
    if ((number < 0) || (number > 3999)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("insert value betwheen 1 and 3999");
    if (number < 1) return string.Empty;            
    if (number >= 1000) return "M" + ToRoman(number - 1000);
    if (number >= 900) return "CM" + ToRoman(number - 900); 
    if (number >= 500) return "D" + ToRoman(number - 500);
    if (number >= 400) return "CD" + ToRoman(number - 400);
    if (number >= 100) return "C" + ToRoman(number - 100);            
    if (number >= 90) return "XC" + ToRoman(number - 90);
    if (number >= 50) return "L" + ToRoman(number - 50);
    if (number >= 40) return "XL" + ToRoman(number - 40);
    if (number >= 10) return "X" + ToRoman(number - 10);
    if (number >= 9) return "IX" + ToRoman(number - 9);
    if (number >= 5) return "V" + ToRoman(number - 5);
    if (number >= 4) return "IV" + ToRoman(number - 4);
    if (number >= 1) return "I" + ToRoman(number - 1);
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("something bad happened");

Solution 2:

I've created this class that does decimal <=> roman

public static class Roman
    public static readonly Dictionary<char, int> RomanNumberDictionary;
    public static readonly Dictionary<int, string> NumberRomanDictionary;

    static Roman()
        RomanNumberDictionary = new Dictionary<char, int>
            { 'I', 1 },
            { 'V', 5 },
            { 'X', 10 },
            { 'L', 50 },
            { 'C', 100 },
            { 'D', 500 },
            { 'M', 1000 },

        NumberRomanDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>
            { 1000, "M" },
            { 900, "CM" },
            { 500, "D" },
            { 400, "CD" },
            { 100, "C" },
            { 90, "XC" },
            { 50, "L" },
            { 40, "XL" },
            { 10, "X" },
            { 9, "IX" },
            { 5, "V" },
            { 4, "IV" },
            { 1, "I" },

    public static string To(int number)
        var roman = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (var item in NumberRomanDictionary)
            while (number >= item.Key)
                number -= item.Key;

        return roman.ToString();

    public static int From(string roman)
        int total = 0;

        int current, previous = 0;
        char currentRoman, previousRoman = '\0';

        for (int i = 0; i < roman.Length; i++)
            currentRoman = roman[i];

            previous = previousRoman != '\0' ? RomanNumberDictionary[previousRoman] : '\0';
            current = RomanNumberDictionary[currentRoman];

            if (previous != 0 && current > previous)
                total = total - (2 * previous) + current;
                total += current;

            previousRoman = currentRoman;

        return total;

Some Unit Tests for To method:

public class DecimalToRomanTest
    public void Roman_1_I()
        Assert.AreEqual("I", Roman.To(1));

    public void Roman_2_II()
        Assert.AreEqual("II", Roman.To(2));

    public void Roman_3_III()
        Assert.AreEqual("III", Roman.To(3));

    public void Roman_4_IV()
        Assert.AreEqual("IV", Roman.To(4));

    public void Roman_5_V()
        Assert.AreEqual("V", Roman.To(5));

    public void Roman_9_IX()
        Assert.AreEqual("IX", Roman.To(9));

    public void Roman_10_X()
        Assert.AreEqual("X", Roman.To(10));

    public void Roman_49_XLIX()
        Assert.AreEqual("XLIX", Roman.To(49));

    public void Roman_50_L()
        Assert.AreEqual("L", Roman.To(50));

    public void Roman_100_C()
        Assert.AreEqual("C", Roman.To(100));

    public void Roman_400_CD()
        Assert.AreEqual("CD", Roman.To(400));

    public void Roman_500_D()
        Assert.AreEqual("D", Roman.To(500));

    public void Roman_900_CM()
        Assert.AreEqual("CM", Roman.To(900));

    public void Roman_1000_M()
        Assert.AreEqual("M", Roman.To(1000));

    public void Roman_11984_MMMMMMMMMMMCMLXXXIV()
        Assert.AreEqual("MMMMMMMMMMMCMLXXXIV", Roman.To(11984));

Some Unit Tests for From method:

public class RomanToDecimalTest
    public void Roman_I_1()
        Assert.AreEqual(1, Roman.From("I"));

    public void Roman_II_2()
        Assert.AreEqual(2, Roman.From("II"));

    public void Roman_III_3()
        Assert.AreEqual(3, Roman.From("III"));

    public void Roman_IV_4()
        Assert.AreEqual(4, Roman.From("IV"));

    public void Roman_V_5()
        Assert.AreEqual(5, Roman.From("V"));

    public void Roman_IX_9()
        Assert.AreEqual(9, Roman.From("IX"));

    public void Roman_X_10()
        Assert.AreEqual(10, Roman.From("X"));

    public void Roman_XLIX_49()
        Assert.AreEqual(49, Roman.From("XLIX"));

    public void Roman_L_50()
        Assert.AreEqual(50, Roman.From("L"));

    public void Roman_C_100()
        Assert.AreEqual(100, Roman.From("C"));

    public void Roman_CD_400()
        Assert.AreEqual(400, Roman.From("CD"));

    public void Roman_D_500()
        Assert.AreEqual(500, Roman.From("D"));

    public void Roman_CM_900()
        Assert.AreEqual(900, Roman.From("CM"));

    public void Roman_M_1000()
        Assert.AreEqual(1000, Roman.From("M"));

    public void Roman_MMMMMMMMMMMCMLXXXIV_11984()
        Assert.AreEqual(11984, Roman.From("MMMMMMMMMMMCMLXXXIV"));

Solution 3:

Here's a much simpler algorithm - forgive me, I don't know C# so I'm writing this in JavaScript, but the same algorithm should apply (and I've commented so you can understand the algorithm):

function intToRoman(int) {

    // create 2-dimensional array, each inner array containing 
    // roman numeral representations of 1-9 in each respective 
    // place (ones, tens, hundreds, etc...currently this handles
    // integers from 1-3999, but could be easily extended)
    var romanNumerals = [
        ['', 'i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix'], // ones
        ['', 'x', 'xx', 'xxx', 'xl', 'l', 'lx', 'lxx', 'lxxx', 'xc'], // tens
        ['', 'c', 'cc', 'ccc', 'cd', 'd', 'dc', 'dcc', 'dccc', 'cm'], // hundreds
        ['', 'm', 'mm', 'mmm'] // thousands

    // split integer string into array and reverse array
    var intArr = int.toString().split('').reverse(),
        len = intArr.length,
        romanNumeral = '',
        i = len;

    // starting with the highest place (for 3046, it would be the thousands 
    // place, or 3), get the roman numeral representation for that place 
    // and append it to the final roman numeral string
    while (i--) {
        romanNumeral += romanNumerals[ i ][ intArr[i] ];

    return romanNumeral;


console.log( intToRoman(3046) ); // outputs mmmxlvi

Solution 4:

This is actually quite a fun problem, and based on the reverse example on (turning roman numerals to decimals) its quite easy to reverse the pattern, and perhaps improve it a little. This code will support numbers from 1 to 3999999.

Begin with a context class, this defines the I/O of the parser

public class Context
    private int _input;
    private string _output;

    public Context(int input)
        this._input = input;

    public int Input
        get { return _input; }
        set { _input = value; }

    public string Output
        get { return _output; }
        set { _output = value; }

And an abstract expression, which defines the parsing operation

public abstract class Expression
    public abstract void Interpret(Context value);

Now, you need an abstract terminal expression, which defines the actual operation that will be performed:

public abstract class TerminalExpression : Expression
    public override void Interpret(Context value)
        while (value.Input - 9 * Multiplier() >= 0)
            value.Output += Nine();
            value.Input -= 9 * Multiplier();
        while (value.Input - 5 * Multiplier() >= 0)
            value.Output += Five();
            value.Input -= 5 * Multiplier();
        while (value.Input - 4 * Multiplier() >= 0)
            value.Output += Four();
            value.Input -= 4 * Multiplier();
        while (value.Input - Multiplier() >= 0)
            value.Output += One();
            value.Input -= Multiplier();

    public abstract string One();
    public abstract string Four();
    public abstract string Five();
    public abstract string Nine();
    public abstract int Multiplier();

Then, classes which define the behaviour of roman numerals (note, ive used the convention of lowercase where roman numerals use a bar over the letter to denote 1000 times)

class MillionExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "m"; }
    public override string Four() { return ""; }
    public override string Five() { return ""; }
    public override string Nine() { return ""; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 1000000; }
class HundredThousandExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "c"; }
    public override string Four() { return "cd"; }
    public override string Five() { return "d"; }
    public override string Nine() { return "cm"; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 100000; }
class ThousandExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "M"; }
    public override string Four() { return "Mv"; }
    public override string Five() { return "v"; }
    public override string Nine() { return "Mx"; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 1000; }
class HundredExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "C"; }
    public override string Four() { return "CD"; }
    public override string Five() { return "D"; }
    public override string Nine() { return "CM"; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 100; }
class TenExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "X"; }
    public override string Four() { return "XL"; }
    public override string Five() { return "L"; }
    public override string Nine() { return "XC"; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 10; }
class OneExpression : TerminalExpression
    public override string One() { return "I"; }
    public override string Four() { return "IV"; }
    public override string Five() { return "V"; }
    public override string Nine() { return "IX"; }
    public override int Multiplier() { return 1; }

Almost there, we need a Non-terminal expression which contains the parse tree:

public class DecimalToRomaNumeralParser : Expression
    private List<Expression> expressionTree = new List<Expression>()
                                                      new MillionExpression(),
                                                      new HundredThousandExpression(),
                                                      new TenThousandExpression(),
                                                      new ThousandExpression(),
                                                      new HundredExpression(),
                                                      new TenExpression(),
                                                      new OneExpression()

    public override void Interpret(Context value)
        foreach (Expression exp in expressionTree)

Lastly, the client code:

Context ctx = new Context(123);
var parser = new DecimalToRomaNumeralParser();
Console.WriteLine(ctx.Output); // Outputs CXXIII

Live example: