How can I modify a .plist in Windows 7?

In Mac OSX, there are property list files (.plist). You can modify them with Xcode.

Given a .plist file, is there a reasonable way to modify them like Xcode does in Windows 7?

I have found, but it doesn't seem to parse the file correctly (for starters, each entry in an array doesn't appear with the index number - it is blank, when it should be 0, 1, 2, ...). Plus it is difficult to edit entries anyway.

Of course I can just use Notepad++ and modify the code, but I'd rather have a visual editor like Xcode.

Solution 1:

I use plist editor pro when messing around with iOS apps. It has a nice visual key editor as well as a pure XML view and is free, unlike many others. It's very simple and I think that's why it's so underrated, even though it completely fulfills its purpose as what is basically a jazzed up text editor.

Solution 2:

Other way is using the PUTIL.EXE from your itunes directory installation. The file is here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support

plutil -convert xml1