How to update Android Studio in Ubuntu?

I am trying to update from version 2.0.0 to version 2.1.2 in Ubuntu 64bit/14.04LTS but when I click "update and restart" it says "Downloading patches" and it closes.

It does not start again and if I try to open it, the version is still 2.0.0.

Is there any tutorial to manually update android studio? (keep all settings and etc).

The first time I installed Android Studio, I followed the instructions given at:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/android-studio

sudo apt update

sudo apt install android-studio

With this you have a clean installation of android studio

Then, when I need to update it, I just rerun

sudo apt install android-studio

If you didn't use this method, it's worth a try. It is cleaner in the long run.

I experienced the same issue when trying to update from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 and the update problem still persisted after the Android Studio 2.1.2 release.

In the end the only option was a clean install of Android Studio.

To keep your existing Android Studio settings download and install the latest version into a different folder. When the new installation of Android Studio is run for the first time it will prompt you to import your settings from the older Android Studio version you have installed.

I had the same problem. I found that after the patch is downloaded Android Studio tries to update itself but as it is run without sudo rights it fallbacks to simply run the old version of Android Studio without updating it.

In order to update my old version of Android studio I went to the folder where Android studio was installed, in my case ~/apps/android-studio/bin/, and run with sudo Android Studio, in my case sudo ./

It will then ask you for your Android Studio configuration file. Be careful about the location where the installation process will install a new Android SDK version, because in my case it wanted to install it in the wrong directory, I had to select custom installation in order to select the folder where I had my previous Android SDK.