nVidia RTX 3070 ETH overclock in Ubuntu20.04: nvidia-settings -a GPUGraphicsClockOffset/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset not working

Solution 1:

After a lot of struggle I found a way to make this work and created a repo.

You can find the complete working script below and also in GitHub:


# Before proceeding make sure that you set your coolbits to 31
# Open a terminal and do
# $ sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --cool-bits=31 --allow-empty-initial-configuration

# To be able to set the power limit you need to enable sudo commands without password
# Do 
# $ sudo visudo
# And then at the end of the file add the following while changing username to your user
# Note the tabs after username as otherwise it won't work
# username        ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nvidia-persistenced
# username        ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nvidia-smi
# Reboot the system now and continue setting the OC limits 

# =========================== Define OC limts ===========================================
# Fans speed is in %
# Memory offset has to be the actual desired amount.

# ========================================================================================
# It is advisable not to change anything below this line if you don't know what you are doing


#Set Power Limit
sudo nvidia-smi -pl $POWER_LIMIT

# Set power persistence mode to ON so your power limit setting can persist even no UI app is running
${SET} -a [gpu:0]/GpuPowerMizerMode=1

# Set fan target level
${SET} -a [gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1

${SET} -a [fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$FANS_SPEED
${SET} -a [fan:1]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$FANS_SPEED

# Set clocks speeds
${SET} -a [gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffsetAllPerformanceLevels=$GPU_OFFSET

${SET} -a [gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffsetAllPerformanceLevels=$ACTUAL_MEMORY_OFFSET

#Send notification
notify-send "OC Done: Fans = $FANS_SPEED% | GPU=$GPU_OFFSET | Memory=$MEMORY_OFFSET" -t 4000 -i messagebox_info

Short answer to your question is that there are apparently new properties that you can use. Use GPUGraphicsClockOffsetAllPerformanceLevels and GPUMemoryTransferRateOffsetAllPerformanceLevels instead to make it work.

In theory the [3] in GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3] is the performance level and if you do GPUGraphicsClockOffset[n] for each n as performance level then you should be able to also make it work but I haven't tried that yet.