How to use LINQ Distinct() with multiple fields

Solution 1:

I assume that you use distinct like a method call on a list. You need to use the result of the query as datasource for your DropDownList, for example by materializing it via ToList.

var distinctCategories = product
                        .Select(m => new {m.CategoryId, m.CategoryName})
DropDownList1.DataSource     = distinctCategories;
DropDownList1.DataTextField  = "CategoryName";
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "CategoryId";

Another way if you need the real objects instead of the anonymous type with only few properties is to use GroupBy with an anonymous type:

List<Product> distinctProductList = product
    .GroupBy(m => new {m.CategoryId, m.CategoryName})
    .Select(group => group.First())  // instead of First you can also apply your logic here what you want to take, for example an OrderBy

A third option is to use MoreLinq's DistinctBy.

Solution 2:

The Distinct() guarantees that there are no duplicates pair (CategoryId, CategoryName).

- exactly that

Anonymous types 'magically' implement Equals and GetHashcode

I assume another error somewhere. Case sensitivity? Mutable classes? Non-comparable fields?

Solution 3:

This is my solution, it supports keySelectors of different types:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, params Func<TSource, object>[] keySelectors)
    // initialize the table
    var seenKeysTable = keySelectors.ToDictionary(x => x, x => new HashSet<object>());

    // loop through each element in source
    foreach (var element in source)
        // initialize the flag to true
        var flag = true;

        // loop through each keySelector a
        foreach (var (keySelector, hashSet) in seenKeysTable)
            // if all conditions are true
            flag = flag && hashSet.Add(keySelector(element));

        // if no duplicate key was added to table, then yield the list element
        if (flag)
            yield return element;

To use it:

list.DistinctBy(d => d.CategoryId, d => d.CategoryName)

Solution 4:

Use the Key keyword in your select will work, like below.

product.Select(m => new {Key m.CategoryId, Key m.CategoryName}).Distinct();

I realize this is bringing up an old thread but figured it might help some people. I generally code in VB.NET when working with .NET so Key may translate differently into C#.

Solution 5:

Distinct method returns distinct elements from a sequence.

If you take a look on its implementation with Reflector, you'll see that it creates DistinctIterator for your anonymous type. Distinct iterator adds elements to Set when enumerating over collection. This enumerator skips all elements which are already in Set. Set uses GetHashCode and Equals methods for defining if element already exists in Set.

How GetHashCode and Equals implemented for anonymous type? As it stated on msdn:

Equals and GetHashCode methods on anonymous types are defined in terms of the Equals and GetHashcode methods of the properties, two instances of the same anonymous type are equal only if all their properties are equal.

So, you definitely should have distinct anonymous objects, when iterating on distinct collection. And result does not depend on how many fields you use for your anonymous type.