Chrome renders colours differently from Safari and Firefox

Solution 1:

Ok, as it turned out, I needed to restart my Chrome. I often connect my macbook air to a 24 inch monitor. It looks like Chrome displays the colours incorrectly when I change to a monitor that's different from what was used when Chrome was started.

I found the answer on the Google Help forum : "I should mention that in OS X, every time you change your monitor or monitor profile (e.g. if you switch from your laptop display to your external display), you MUST restart Chrome for it to get the proper monitor profile information from the OS."

Solution 2:

By default both Firefox and Safari use the sRGB color profile. You must do the same, if your Google Chrome takes a different color profile as default.

  1. Access at Chrome: chrome://flags/#force-color-profile
  2. Change Force color profile to "sRGB".
  3. Relaunch your browser and testify the rendered colors now.

Solution 3:

I recently posted a similar question:

As Andrew Marshall answered there, this is a known issue: