Python split() without removing the delimiter [duplicate]

This code almost does what I need it to..

for line in all_lines:
    s = line.split('>')

Except it removes all the '>' delimiters.



Turns into


Is there a way to use the split() method but keep the delimiter, instead of removing it?

With these results..


Solution 1:

d = ">"
for line in all_lines:
    s =  [e+d for e in line.split(d) if e]

Solution 2:

If you are parsing HTML with splits, you are most likely doing it wrong, except if you are writing a one-shot script aimed at a fixed and secure content file. If it is supposed to work on any HTML input, how will you handle something like <a title='growth > 8%' href='#something'>?

Anyway, the following works for me:

>>> import re
>>> re.split('(<[^>]*>)', '<body><table><tr><td>')[1::2]
['<body>', '<table>', '<tr>', '<td>']