Internet Explorer 9 not rendering table cells properly

enter image description hereI have exactly the same problem as well. you may want to read this

YOu can remove the space inbetween td by using javascript if your html is returned from ajax, then from the response, you replace it with

response_html = response_html.replace(/td>\s+<td/g,'td><td');

I had the same exact issue populating a table using jquery templates. I kept having 'ghost' <td>'s on larger datasets (300+) only in IE9. These <td>'s would push the outer columns outside the boundries of my table.

I fixed this by doing something really silly; removing all the spaces betwen the <td> start and end tags and left justifying the HTML markup pertaining to my table. Basically, you want all of your <td> </td> on the same line, no spaces.


<tr class="grid_customer_normal">