In Windows 7 Git Bash, is there a way to explore the directory at the current location?

Solution 1:

To open Windows Explorer at the current folder, just enter:

explorer .

Solution 2:

Type start . - it will open Windows Explorer at the current location.

The start command acts like a double click, so use it to open files too:

start index.html

Solution 3:

If you type cmd into to Location Bar, Windows will open up a command line within the folder you are browsing.

Solution 4:

If you're coming from Mac OS X or Linux background, you can also create an alias in your .bash_profile to use the open command as you would do on other *nix environments.

Just add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:

alias open="explorer ."



Then you can use the open command to open the current folder.

Solution 5:

Windows: explorer .

Mac: open .