Is projection of a measurable subset in product $\sigma$-algebra onto a component space measurable?

The answer to the second question is "no". Take $\Omega_1=\Omega_2=\{0,1\}$ and let ${\cal F}_1=\{\emptyset,\{0\},\{1\},\{0,1\}\}$ and ${\cal F}_2=\{\emptyset,\{0,1\}\}$. The diagonal in $\Omega_1\times\Omega_2$ is not measurable with respect to the product $\sigma$-algebra ${\cal F}_1\times {\cal F}_2$, but its projection either way is the whole space.

The answer to Ethan's Question 1 is no. I n descriptive set theory, a subset $A$ of a Polish space $X$ is an analytic set if it is a continuous image of a Polish space. These sets were first defined by Luzin (1917) and his student Souslin (1917)(see, ).

We need well known facts from the descriptive set theory.

Fact 1. The following conditions on a subset $A$ of a Polish space $X$ are equivalent:

(a) $A$ is analytic;

(b) There is a Polish space $Y$ and a Borel set $B \subseteq X \times Y$ such that $A$ is projection of $B$., that is $A=\{ x \in X | (\exists y)(x,y) \in B\}$.

Fact 2. There exists an analytic set $A_0$ in a Polish space $X$ which is not Borel.

Let $A_0$ becomes from Fact 2. For $A_0$, the condition (b) of Fact 1 implies that there exists a Polish space $Y_0$ and a Borel set $B_0 \subset X \times Y_0 $ such that $A_0=\{ x \in X | (\exists y)(x,y) \in B\}$. Obviously, $B_0$ stands an example of Borel subset of $X \times Y_0$ whose projection on $X$ is a non-Borel set $A_0$.

The answer to Ethan's Question 2 is no. Let $Y$ be a non-Borel subset of $[0.1]$.

Let consider a set

$C:=([0,1]\times [0,1]) \setminus ((\{1/2\}\times Y) \cup (Y \times \{1/2\}))$.

Then its projection onto any component space defined as above is Borel measurable(more precisely, coincides with corresponding component space) but $C$ is not Borel measurable.