Create a symlink in /dev using /etc/udev/rules

Few points

  • Used 75-, the rules run in order. There is a chance that your rule may overridden by next rules from /lib/udev/rules.d/, prefer to use 99- ~ 90-

  • SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYMLINK+="myusb" too generic

    It match all event actions add, remove & change. Beside all USB devices. May be you should make it more strict.

    Check using lsusb

    Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0461:4d81 Primax Electronics, Ltd Dell N889 Optical Mouse

    and add them:

    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0461", ATTRS{idProduct}=="4d81", SYMLINK+="myusb"
  • Not all devices create a node in /dev. (Could you mention what type of devices you have used)

  • Bonus :), even so the rule still broad concerning tree device nodes. When you plug camera there is not only one node created but many from tree root to the leaf (leaf is in most cases the wanted one). Check:

    udevadm info -a /dev/video0

    The previous modified rule may match two last nodes (not the leaf).