'String or binary data would be truncated' without any data exceeding the length

-- this will never get hit is a bad assumption. It is well known and documented that SQL Server may try to evaluate parts of your query before it's obvious that the result is impossible.

A much simpler repro (from this post and this db<>fiddle):

CREATE TABLE dbo.t1(id int NOT NULL, s varchar(5) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE dbo.t2(id int NOT NULL);
INSERT dbo.t1 (id, s) VALUES (1, 'l=3'), (2, 'len=5'), (3, 'l=3');
INSERT dbo.t2 (id)    VALUES (1), (3), (4), (5);
DECLARE @t table(dest varchar(3) NOT NULL);
INSERT @t(dest) SELECT t1.s 
  FROM dbo.t1 
  INNER JOIN dbo.t2 ON t1.id = t2.id;


Msg 2628, Level 16, State 1
String or binary data would be truncated in table 'tempdb.dbo.#AC65D70E', column 'dest'. Truncated value: 'len'.

While we should have only retrieved rows with values that fit in the destination column (id is 1 or 3, since those are the only two rows that match the join criteria), the error message indicates that the row where id is 2 was also returned, even though we know it couldn't possibly have been.

Here's the estimated plan:

enter image description here

This shows that SQL Server expected to convert all of the values in t1 before the filter eliminated the longer ones. And it's very difficult to predict or control when SQL Server will process your query in an order you don't expect - you can try with query hints that attempt to either force order or to stay away from hash joins but those can cause other, more severe problems later.

The best fix is to size the temp table to match the source (in other words, make it large enough to fit any value from the source). The blog post and db<>fiddle explain some other ways to work around the issue, but declaring columns to be wide enough is the simplest and least intrusive.