How to refer to sexuality in a fictional universe of one sex?

Notch, the creator of the game Minecraft, has said in a blog post that there is only one sex in the game, and any animal can breed with any other animal of the same species.

He uses the word "homosexual" to refer to this.

"Homo" comes from the Greek - 'same'.

Is there a more specific word for this? Or is it just a bit of an odd situation and thus kludging English words to fit is fine?

Edit for more clarity: In this question when I talk about "sexuality" I mean "sexual preference" - what word can I use to describe the sexual preference of creatures in a fictional world where there is only one sex?

Solution 1:

If you're referring purely to the reproductive question, and not the gender-orientation question, then I'd suggest using the terms from botany and bacterial biology. Plants and microbes don't follow the same reproductive habits most animals do.

Many plants have no distinction between male and female organisms. These plants are sometimes called unisex/unisexual "not distinguished on the basis of sex"; somewhat confusingly they are also called bisexual. Flowers that contain both male and female parts are called "perfect" or "synoecious"; and plants that have both male and female flowers are called "monoecious".

Bacteria can also reproduce with two (or more!) partners without having different biological sexes. This process is called conjugation.

EDITED TO ADD: If none of the above fit, I suggest the fine term "synsexual". Though very rare, it literally means having no distinct sexes. It seems to fit very well, has little baggage, and it's a cool word to boot.

perhaps even a hapax legomenon!

Solution 2:

I think the question is a bit vague. When you ask about sexuality, to what are you referring?

In a world of one gender, there is no gender. Attraction is to minecraft-folk. There is no homo- hetero- because those terms assume a distinction between different types for whom one might be oriented. Orientation indicates direction (actually, it means turning east). If there is only one type of person, there is only one direction and therefore, the very concept of direction is meaningless.

So what do you mean by sexuality?

Solution 3:

How about 'androgyny/androgynous/androgyne'? These usually connote a degree of 'sexlessness', an absence of the physical or behavioral characteristics associated with physiological sex; but I've also seen them applied by reviewers to describe the dominant humanoid species on the planet Karhide, invented by Ursula LeGuin in The Left Hand of Darkness. Her characters are capable, under certain stimuli, of developing either male or female sexual characteristics, so the same individual may at one time bear a child and at another beget one.

EDIT: I retract. @bib observes, correctly, that "In a world of one gender, there is no gender." Consequently OP's supplement—

"In this question when I talk about "sexuality" I mean "sexual preference" - what word can I use to describe the sexual preference of creatures in a fictional world where there is only one sex?"

can only be answered 'None'. However, a possible term for characterizing this state of affairs (which I believe was the sense of the original question) exists: asexual.

Solution 4:

If they “can breed with any other animal of the same species”, they must have both male and female reproductive organs, so they are hermaphrodite.