What to use now Google News API is deprecated? [closed]

Depending on your needs, you want to use their section feeds, their search feeds


or Bing News Search.


I'm running into the same issue with one of my own apps. So far I've found the only non-deprecated way to access Google News data is through their RSS feeds. They have a feed for each section and also a useful search function. However, these are only for noncommercial use.

As for viable alternatives I'll be trying out these two services: Feedzilla, Daylife

Looks like you might have until the end of 2013 before they officially close it down. http://groups.google.com/group/google-ajax-search-api/browse_thread/thread/6aaa1b3529620610/d70f8eec3684e431?lnk=gst&q=news+api#d70f8eec3684e431

Also, it sounds like they are building a replacement... but it's going to cost you.

I'd say, go to a different service. I think bing has a news API.

You might enjoy (or not) reading: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1864625