HTTPS throws CloudFlare Error 524

Solution 1:

It seems like none of the traditional reasons why you're running into CloudFlare SSL issues don't apply in your case; so here are some debugging steps for you to follow. These will help you find the problem:

  1. Modify your hosts file on your local machine so that a domain routes straight to your origin web server instead of through CloudFlare.
  2. CloudFlare uses error 525 if an SSL handshake fails and 526 if there is an invalid certificate in strict mode, your error is simply a timeout. What this indicates is that the issue is likely down to some form of rewriting or a firewall. With your hosts file modified you should be able to see if the problem is with your origin web server.
  3. Ensure port 443 is open on your firewall.
  4. Whitelist CloudFlare's IP Addresses in your firewall to prevent any rate limiting.
  5. Be sure to check your Apache error log to see if there's any indication of errors there.