fail2ban detects the attacker IP but doesn't ban it, and is slow reading logs

Solution 1:

  1. It is not advisable to monitor access-log, see fail2ban/wiki :: Best practice especially the part "Reduce parasitic log-traffic".
  2. Inappropriate regexs can also cause that fail2bans "read speed may be slower than log speed", just I don't see your RE is not good. But it can be made faster, just you'd need to change logging format for that. Also specifying of single and precise datepattern may help to speed up the processing.
  3. All in one it could create the known race condition, fail2ban was affected up to v.0.10.5, see for details (the fix was released within v.0.10.6 / v.0.11.2)

Also note the answers to similar issues, for instance