Custom Bad Gateway Page with Nginx

There are three pieces that must be in place in order for your custom error page to display instead of the generic "Bad Gateway" error.

  1. You must create an html file named something like "500.html" and place it in the root. In the case of Rails running behind Nginx, this means putting it at public/500.html.

  2. You must have a line in your config file that points at least the 502 errors to that 500.html page like this:

    error_page 502 /500.html;
  3. You must have a location block for /500.html in your config file. If your root is already defined, this block can be empty. But the block must exist nonetheless.

    location /500.html{

It's similar to setting up the custom 404 pages. Here's what I've got.

#site-wide error pages
error_page 404 /404.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /500.html;

using debian (9.3 stretch actually) i did following steps:

  • create /var/www/html/502.html with the content for the 502 error page

  • edit /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mywebsite.conf

so it looks similar like this:

server {
    listen 80; listen [::]:80;

    error_page 502 /502.html;
    location /502.html {
        root /var/www/html;
  • then restarted nginx using service nginx restart

While @Larsenal's answer is technically correct for the minimum configuration, there are common configurations that will make it not work. @Jack Desert's answer touches on this but doesn't provide a full explanation of why that's needed.

Suppose we have this configuration (simplified from @Jack).

error_page 502 504 /my-error-page.html;

What this is saying is, in the case of a 502 or 504 error internally, rewrite the original URI as /my-error-page.html.

What I think most people miss is that this then goes through the same processing chain that happens as if you requested that page directly. This means that it goes through all the same location block checks.

Since a common method of doing a reverse proxy on nginx is to configure a location / { block, that location matches /my-error-page.html and thus nginx tries to use the proxy to serve the error file. Since a common use case is serving a static file in the case that the backend is down, serving this error page from the backend will likely also fail, making nginx default to serving its own internal error page that we were trying to replace in the first place.

So, a common solution, the one @Jack Desert suggests, is to include another location block that will match the /my-error-page.html URL before the location / block. Note that the order of location blocks in nginx configuration has no effect; There is a very specific set of rules for picking precedence of location blocks based on the URL. That location block needs to have whatever is necessary to serve that file like any other static file that nginx might serve. This means a root directive is needed somewhere and that /my-error-page.html will be loaded relative to that (root can be set at nearly any level of the nginx configuration).

Yes it is possible

Type this in your terminal

cd /etc/nginx

sudo nano nginx.conf

and under http add these lines

    error_page 500 Path_to_your_custom_error_page;
    error_page 503 Path_to_your_custom_error_page;
    error_page 504 Path_to_your_custom_error_page;

Now restart nginx by typing this command:

sudo service nginx restart

Bingo now you can see custom error message on gateway error