Why isn't my Stringer interface method getting invoked? When using fmt.Println

When calling fmt.Println, myCar is implicitly converted to a value of type interface{} as you can see from the function signature. The code from the fmt package then does a type switch to figure out how to print this value, looking something like this:

switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
case fmt.Stringer:
// ...

However, the fmt.Stringer case fails because Car doesn't implement String (as it is defined on *Car). Calling String manually works because the compiler sees that String needs a *Car and thus automatically converts myCar.String() to (&myCar).String(). For anything regarding interfaces, you have to do it manually. So you either have to implement String on Car or always pass a pointer to fmt.Println:



Pointers vs. Values

The rule about pointers vs. values for receivers is that value methods can be invoked on pointers and values, but pointer methods can only be invoked on pointers. This is because pointer methods can modify the receiver; invoking them on a copy of the value would cause those modifications to be discarded.

Therefore, for your String method to work when invoked on both pointers and values, use a value receiver. For example,

package main

import "fmt"

type Car struct {
    year int
    make string

func (c Car) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("{make:%s, year:%d}", c.make, c.year)

func main() {
    myCar := Car{year: 1996, make: "Toyota"}


{make:Toyota, year:1996}
{make:Toyota, year:1996}

Define your fmt.Stringer on a pointer receiver:

package main

import "fmt"

type Car struct {
        year int
        make string

func (c *Car) String() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("{maker:%s, produced:%d}", c.make, c.year)

func main() {
        myCar := Car{year: 1996, make: "Toyota"}
        myOtherCar := &Car{year: 2013, make: "Honda"}



{maker:Toyota, produced:1996}
{maker:Honda, produced:2013}    

Then, always pass a pointer to instances of Car to fmt.Println. This way a potentially expensive value copy is avoided under your control.

The OP further asked:

OP: [when a value receiver is used] "Does this basically mean that if I have a large struct, then every time it goes through Println it will be copied?"

The following experiment is evidence that the answer is "yes" (when a value receiver is used). Note that the String() method increments the year in this experiment, and check how this affects the printed output.

type Car struct {
    year int
    make string

func (c Car) String() string {
    s := fmt.Sprintf("{ptr:%p, make:%s, year:%d}", c, c.make, c.year)
    // increment the year to prove: is c a copy or a reference?
    c.year += 1
    return s

func main() {
    myCar := Car{year: 1996, make: "Toyota"}

With a value receiver (c Car), the following printed output shows that Go makes value copies of the Car struct, because the year increment is not reflected in subsequent calls to Println:

{ptr:%!p(main.Car={1996 Toyota}), make:Toyota, year:1996}
{ptr:%!p(main.Car={1996 Toyota}), make:Toyota, year:1996}
{ptr:%!p(main.Car={1996 Toyota}), make:Toyota, year:1996}
{ptr:%!p(main.Car={1996 Toyota}), make:Toyota, year:1996}

Changing the receiver to a pointer (c *Car) but changing nothing else, the printed output becomes:

{ptr:0xc420094020, make:Toyota, year:1996}
{ptr:0xc420094020, make:Toyota, year:1997}
{1998 Toyota}
{1998 Toyota}

Even when a pointer is provided as argument in a call to Println, i.e. fmt.Println(&myCar), Go still makes a value copy of the Car struct when a value receiver is used. The OP wants to avoid value copies being made, and my conclusion is that only pointer receivers satisfy that requirement.