Fresh Ubuntu 16.04 install, broken VMware Tools

I had the same problem but I solved it by removing open-vm-tools and installing open-vm-tools-desktop and after a Reboot everything works.

After wasting much time on this question the answer is:

  1. The easy install of 16.04.1 gives you the Ubuntu supplied open-vm-tools
  2. vmhgfs is replaced by vmhgfs-fuse
  3. You can install a mount in /etc/fstab like this (XFER is your share name, uid and gid are your choice, and the mount point /vmshare/xfer must exist, and is your choice:

    .host:/XFER /vmshare/xfer fuse.vmhgfs-fuse allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000,auto_unmount,umask=0133 0 0

Use "vmhgfs-fuse --help" to see the options.