How Do I Use a Photos Directory as my Screensaver?

I just upgraded to version 11.10 and found how to enable xscreensaver. However, I'm very disappointed that I don't have the option to use my photos directory as a screen saver option.

What do I have to do to use a photos directory as my screensaver?

enter image description here

You need to specify in the advanced options of xscreensaver-demo the folder that contains your photos.

Note - in previous versions of Ubuntu you could have used a screensaver called glslideshow - however this doesnt appear to work in 11.10.

There are a number of other photo-screensavers available in xscreensaver:

  • blitspin
  • carousel
  • decayscreen
  • distort
  • flipscreen3d
  • mirrorblob
  • photopile
  • ripples
  • rotzoomer
  • slidescreen
  • slip
  • spotlight
  • twang
  • zoom

enter image description here

To use one of the screensavers above with your photo's folder, ensure you use "only one screensaver" mode.

Don't forget to choose settings to fine-tune how the screensaver will operate.

GLSlideshow screensaver in xscreensaver is best for simply displaying your photos without distortions, animations, etc.

Open the console (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following:

cat > .screensaver

grabDesktopImages:  False
grabVideoFrames:    False
chooseRandomImages: True
imageDirectory: /home/<user>/Pictures/<choosen folder>
mode:       random
selected:   -1

and press Ctrl+D to save the file.