How can an opponent stop Shen's ultimate?

I enjoy watching Shen games because the global ultimate adds the excitement of unexpectedly turning the tides of a losing fight. But I'm surprised at how often Stand United completes, considering it has a 3 sec channeling time.

EDIT: Emerica comments that the logistics of Shen's ultimate make it very hard to counter.

Normally Shen's ult is used from out of combat into combat, meaning no one can get him and noone can stop him, except by killing the ally he is porting to. If it is used in combat, the it is used just for the shield...[which] can NEVER be cancelled.

How does an opponent play to prevent Shen from completing his ult? What team strategies can be used to stop Shen's ult?

Solution 1:

As said by others, Shen's ultimate is a channeled spell, so any crowd control that stops someone from channeling will cancel the teleport aspect of Shen's spell while he's casting it. However, as the shield provided is instant, there is nothing you can do to stop the shield aspect of his ultimate.

In terms of catching Shen before he can teleport, there's lots you can do when laning against him:

  1. First, pick a champion who has hard cc. If you don't then Shen is free to teleport whenever he pleases.

  2. If you do have hard cc, don't make the mistake of blowing it too early! For example, Garen can only use Decisive Strike to stop Shen's ultimate, so if Garen uses it too early then Shen has 6 to 12 seconds (depending on CDR) to use his ultimate while Decisive Strike is on cooldown. This applies to stopping champions like Nunu and Katarina as well.

  3. Don't let Shen hide! If he knows you can stop him he usually hides in a bush or leaves your vision to ensure his ultimate completes. This can be very hard to deal with if he Shadow Dashes far away from you. It's also hard to deal with because Shen might be baiting you away from safety so you can be ganked. Basically, be wary of Shen leaving your vision, but don't go bush-checking like a madman unless you are sure you will survive a gank from there (or you are bush-king Garen, and decide to call his bluff).

Solution 2:

There are a lot of ways Shen's ultimate can be interrupted. It's explained here Interrupting Channelled Spells