Does Vladimir's ultimate increase Ignite's damage?
I'm wondering if the activation of Vladimir's ult increases the true damage from Ignite. Using his ult before Ignite could mean all the difference when bursting down an enemy champion upon reaching level six. Any answers that shed light on this would be helpful!
Solution 1:
Yes, Hemoplague will amplify the damage from Ignite.
According to Hemoplague's ability details,
Hemoplague amplifies any kind of damage, including true damage.
Also, according to the notes on Ignite,
This spell's damage can be increased through spells that increase damage from all sources such as Hemoplague, Diplomatic Immunity, Torment, and Cutthroat.
Solution 2:
actually such things do increase ignite true dmg
another example is shacos passive (he deals additional dmg when attacking from behind) when he uses smite while standing in the back of a minion/dragon etc, he deal extra dmg
Solution 3:
True Damage only ignores armor, magic resistance and damage reduction effects.
All effects that increase damage taken by the target still apply for it.
* True damage is unaffected by damage reductions such as Exhaust.
* True damage is not amplified by the masteries Havoc or Executioner
* True damage can be amplified by abilities such as Poppy's
Diplomatic Immunity, Swain's Torment and Talon's Cutthroat.