What's the fuss about Haskell? [closed]

Solution 1:

This is the example that convinced me to learn Haskell (and boy am I glad I did).

-- program to copy a file --
import System.Environment

main = do
         --read command-line arguments
         [file1, file2] <- getArgs

         --copy file contents
         str <- readFile file1
         writeFile file2 str

OK, it's a short, readable program. In that sense it's better than a C program. But how is this so different from (say) a Python program with a very similar structure?

The answer is lazy evaluation. In most languages (even some functional ones), a program structured like the one above would result in the entire file being loaded into memory, and then written out again under a new name.

Haskell is "lazy". It doesn't calculate things until it needs to, and by extension doesn't calculate things it never needs. For instance, if you were to remove the writeFile line, Haskell wouldn't bother reading anything from the file in the first place.

As it is, Haskell realises that the writeFile depends on the readFile, and so is able to optimise this data path.

While the results are compiler-dependent, what will typically happen when you run the above program is this: the program reads a block (say 8KB) of the first file, then writes it to the second file, then reads another block from the first file, and writes it to the second file, and so on. (Try running strace on it!)

... which looks a lot like what the efficient C implementation of a file copy would do.

So, Haskell lets you write compact, readable programs - often without sacrificing a lot of performance.

Another thing I must add is that Haskell simply makes it difficult to write buggy programs. The amazing type system, lack of side-effects, and of course the compactness of Haskell code reduces bugs for at least three reasons:

  1. Better program design. Reduced complexity leads to fewer logic errors.

  2. Compact code. Fewer lines for bugs to exist on.

  3. Compile errors. Lots of bugs just aren't valid Haskell.

Haskell isn't for everyone. But everyone should give it a try.

Solution 2:

The way it was pitched to me, and what I think is true after having worked on learning on Haskell for a month now, is the fact that functional programming twists your brain in interesting ways: it forces you to think about familiar problems in different ways: instead of loops, think in maps and folds and filters, etc. In general, if you have more than one perspective on a problem, it makes you better enabled to reason about this problem, and switch viewpoints as necessary.

The other really neat thing about Haskell is its type system. It's strictly typed, but the type inference engine makes it feel like a Python program that magically tells you when you've done a stupid type-related mistake. Haskell's error messages in this regard are somewhat lacking, but as you get more acquainted with the language you'll say to yourself: this is what typing is supposed to be!