Terminal has lost its colours

Solution 1:

I ran into this issue when I accidentally deleted my ~/.bashrc file. Changing the Profile Preferences as stated in a comment above did not work. Since I completely lost my ~/.bashrc file, I simply copied /etc/skel/.bashrc to ~/.bashrc. After a logout and login, my terminal colors were back to normal.

One could also look at /etc/skel/.bashrc to see if anything related to color is missing from their ~/.bashrc file.

This may not be the solution to OP's exact problem but I hope it helps somebody.

Solution 2:

I think you delete your .bashrc file, so you can use this command:

cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/

Solution 3:

I copied /etc/skel/.bashrc to ~/.bashrc

then source .bashrc

and terminal Color restored!

Solution 4:

For me i was using lxterminal in lubuntu and the color for the user@machine not working. I had to uncomment force_color_prompt=yes in ~/.bashrc to make the geen colour appear