What is the use of the workspaces?

Solution 1:

Workspaces serve this purpose for me: When I'm supposed to be working on homework but have other plans in mind, I keep my homework on the first workspace and my play on the second. Then, when parent comes by, Quick! Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow! Wow, William, you've made great progress! Keep up the good work! Then I feel guilty and actually do my schoolwork. Thought I should share a specific situation for using workspaces.

Solution 2:

Workspaces have been around in Ubuntu well before the switch to Unity. They basically provide you a way to group windows related to similar tasks together, as well as get "additional" screenspace.

The Unity launcher is set to behave so that if you already have windows for an application open, it assumes that by clicking on its icon that you want to return to those open windows, where you may already have tabs or work open. If you want to launch new instances of an application using the icons, just middle-click them.

Solution 3:

It is simply for convinience while doing diffrent works at a time

Solution 4:

Avoiding jumping to Applications of other workspace

Go to New workspace. Now you have Some FireFox Browsers open in Old workspace. If you choose FireFox browser in New workspace, Ubuntu will take you to Old workspace FireFox. Actually you will be taken to Old workspace itself if you select any Application in New workspace that is already in Old workspace.

To avoid this and open any application in New workspace You have to open a Duplicate.

Middle Click the application in New workspace and you will not be taken to old workspace.
