Print doesn't print when it's in map, Python

primes = [2,3,5,7..] (prime numbers)
map(lambda x:print(x),primes)

It does not print anything. Why is that? I've tried


too, but doesn't work either.

Solution 1:

Since lambda x: print(x) is a syntax error in Python < 3, I'm assuming Python 3. That means map returns a generator, meaning to get map to actually call the function on every element of a list, you need to iterate through the resultant generator.

Fortunately, this can be done easily:

list(map(lambda x:print(x),primes))

Oh, and you can get rid of the lambda too, if you like:


But, at that point you are better off with letting print handle it:

print(*primes, sep='\n')

NOTE: I said earlier that '\n'.join would be a good idea. That is only true for a list of str's.

Solution 2:

This works for me:

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> map(lambda x: print(x), primes)
17: [None, None, None, None]

Are you using Python 2.x where print is a statement, not a function?