Is Binary Domain playable without a mic?

Binary Domain has interested me for a while and is currently on sale at Steam.

Thing is, I've played the demo and came across a few occurences of dialog where I was supposed to answer to my teammates through a mic. Long story short, I don't have one, and the way my PC is set in my room makes it impractical to plug one in anyway.

I don't know if it's because it was a demo or a case of me not looking hard enough, but I couldn't find how or IF the voice system could be disabled, so any time one of these dialogs showed up I ended up being taken for a jerk by my teammates.

So, can I work around it? If so, how? Do I lose anything by playing without a mic?

According to several forum posts, voice commands can be disabled in settings.

In game settings, put no for voice commands. Any voice command shown when you hold Tab will now show a key for it.