How to clear the entire array?

Solution 1:

You can either use the Erase or ReDim statements to clear the array. Examples of each are shown in the MSDN documentation. For example:

Dim threeDimArray(9, 9, 9), twoDimArray(9, 9) As Integer
Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
ReDim threeDimArray(4, 4, 9)

To remove a collection, you iterate over its items and use the Remove method:

For i = 1 to MyCollection.Count
  MyCollection.Remove 1 ' Remove first item
Next i

Solution 2:

For deleting a dynamic array in VBA use the instruction Erase.


Dim ArrayDin() As Integer    
ReDim ArrayDin(10)    'Dynamic allocation 
Erase ArrayDin        'Erasing the Array   

Hope this help!