.NET - Get default value for a reflected PropertyInfo

Solution 1:

I believe if you just do


If it's a valuetype, it'll set it to the default value, if it's a reference type, it'll set it to null.

Solution 2:

object defaultValue = type.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(type) : null;

Solution 3:

The "null" trick will set it to the zero value for the type, which is not necessarily the same as the default for the property. Firstly, if it is a new object, why not just leave it alone? Alternatively, use TypeDescriptor:

PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(foo)["Bar"];
if (prop.CanResetValue(foo)) prop.ResetValue(foo);

This respects both [DefaultValue] and the Reset{name}() patterns (as used by binding and serialization), making it very versatile and re-usable.

If you are doing lots of this, you can also get a performance boost using TypeDescriptor instead of reflection, by re-using the PropertyDescriptorCollection and using HyperDescriptor (same code, but much faster than either refletion or raw TypeDescriptor).