Jumping black screen at Ubuntu 16.04 on VirtualBox 5.0.20

I'm installing Ubuntu 16.04 on VirtualBox 5.0.20 at Windows 10 and I had a resolution issues which was solved by pressing Host Key + F1 and Host Key + F7. After it I tried to install and configure Google Chrome but it had some black artifacts, so I tried to play with 3D Acceleration at VB and now on boot I only see jumping black screen from one resolution to other and back. Pressing Host key for this case isn't working.

Solution 1:

I also had problems with Ubuntu 16.04 in VirtualBox 5.0.20. My problems was with Chromium not rendering at all.

I then installed the Guest Additions 5.0.16 from the Download page and it solved my problems. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

I just installed this Guest Addition on top of the current one.

Solution 2:

I had the same issue with 3D option on VBox 5.1.10 and Ubuntu 16.

To fix this on my side :

  1. Stop the VM
  2. Be sure you have 3D enabled/checked
  3. Start the VM and sudo as root
  4. Reinstall the VBox additions as root

Seems that the VBox additions are built based on the options already enabled ! So if you installed them without 3D options and then enable it, they are not supported correctly. At least it's an assumption based on what I observed. But after few days of bad experience, it's working perfectly for me.