After upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04, Shortcut Keys don't work

April 28, 2018 I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and everything worked fine. Now, I don't know why I can't get into Nautilus. When I click the Files icon in the dock it starts to load but nothing launches.

I also can't get into the terminal (neither with Ctrl+Alt+T nor with the terminal icon). I don't know if the two problems are related, but they started to happen at the same time.

Edit 1: Rolled up from answer that should be in question, the Nautilus problem was (partially) solved:

I managed to open nautilus from Konsole and now it seems to work fine (I can open it through the dock). However, when I close the Konsole, it fails again.

Solution 1:

About the "Shortcut Keys don't work" part.. I had a simmilar issue after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 : - Ctrl+Alt+T didn't work - lock screen ( Ctrl+Alt+L ) didn't work - media keys didn't work

Here is what worked for me:

  • I installed "compizconfig-settings-manager"
  • I opened "General" -> "Commands" and activated the check box on the left "activate commands" and then clicked "Back"

At this point the shortcuts started to work again.

Hope this helps somebody.

Solution 2:

My trick to solve it:

  1. Install konsole (KDE Terminal) with

    sudo apt install konsole
  2. In

    Settings -> Devices -> Keyboard

    click "Terminal" and change the its shortcut (for one you won't be using).

  3. Scroll to the bottom and press + to add a new shortcut. Write konsole in Command and choose Ctrl+Alt+T as shortcut (choose whatever name you want).

I had the same problem. It's an annoying bug.

Solution 3:

I found the Screen lock shortcut changed to Super+L (Windows +L) in 18.04, or at least the default changed for my machine from Ctrl+Alt+L to Super+L.

This isn't all bad as I'm used to locking my work machine (Windohs) with Super+L.

Solution 4:

Check your hotkeys in dconf. I have this problem with CTRL+SHIFT+E, It's trying to load emoji language things for me (IBUS related) so I will go ahead and delete that.

enter image description here